"Cinderella’s two sisters, Armelinde and Maguelonne, were played by mezzo-soprano Cecilia Gaetani and soprano Rachel Goode. Working in tandem they really appeared to be enjoying themselves as they sought to make Cinderella’s life a misery. Their treatment of the Prince when they thought he was a valet was well done, and highly amusing. Their reaction to him ending up with Cinderella priceless. Dressed in over-the-top dresses, one in green, one in red, they also looked the part. Goode has a secure, expressive voice with a pleasing timbre.Both sang well"
Alan Neilson - Operawire 2019
"Goode has a secure, expressive voice with a pleasing timbre"
"Goode has a round Soprano, which she knows how to use very shrilly as needed"
Cendrillom - 2019
"Special mention must be made of the High Priestess of Rachel Goode, a lovely soprano voice heard only in one scene, but to very good effect"
Golden Plec - 2018
"The two step-sisters (the Regan and Goneril of Rossinian comedy) were interpreted with vim and panache by Rachel Goode and Alex Bork, both of them vocally certain and successfully investing their characters with an outrageous degree of preening self-regard and vanity, utterly convincing in their blindness to all save their own desires"
Glyn Pursglove - Seen & Heard 2018
"Irish Soprano Rachel Goode simply shone. Her portrayal of abused Anna, who loved her family but sought solace in an extra-marital affair, was perfect. Whether pouring her heart out in the showstopping aria Somehow I Never Could Believe or singing to her son (A Boy Like You) she poignantly dazzled"
Rhonda Lee Reali- Buzz Magazine 2017
"Rachel Goode strong-voiced as Iris"
Matthew Ellis-Williams - Wales Arts Review 2017